About us

According to the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Thomas Hies’ film about the „Hunters of the Killer Virus” was „as thrilling as a murder mystery”. A documentary film-maker can’t wish for higher praise. This critic’s statement contains the key element of our company’s philosophy: documentaries must be riveting from the first to the last minute. A well-made documentary can be more memorable than a work of fiction, the viewer ratings prove it. No other format better quenches people’s thirst for knowledge, their desire to experience adventure and far-off lands.

It starts with curiosity. We search for places that have rarely been visited, for people who have never been filmed, for stories that have never been told. We take top quality pictures even in remote areas where filming is difficult – too difficult for many others. But, we don’t just chase after pictures. We research the underlying causes and relationships, presenting complex ideas in a clear and precise manner. We want the viewer to say: „Oh, I understand now. That is really interesting!” and: „I’ve never seen that anywhere else before!”

We enjoy making programs for television. For a long time yet to come, television will remain the only way to reach millions of people with real-life pictures and stories, to touch their lives and perhaps encourage them to think more deeply. Polls reveal: TV viewers want to see more high-quality documentaries. They are interested in the nomads of Mauritania and the fishermen of the Amazon. They are curious about other people. We are happy to have something this important in common with our viewers.

What will the coming years bring? We are already adopting cutting-edge developments into our business methods: Our choice of material guarantees our success marketing our product globally. Our detailed and precise scripts assure our clients that the final product will be formatted according to their requirements. Picture quality is improving, technical standards are changing. However, what will remain the same is our curiosity – and our tremendous desire to tell great stories.